Tuesday 20 January 2015

Graze Box!

Hello there lovely people of BlogSpot!

Today I received a package in the mail, well, cardboard box. And  it looked a little bit like this:

My graze box! Yay! I've been looking forward to my graze box for a little while now. Don't get me wrong I've brought loads of these and they are my favorite things.

They are such a good way of eating different things that you normally wouldn't eat or buy!

Now if anyone hasn't heard of a graze box then this post is going to explain that for you; A graze box is a healthy snacking box. It has a variation of yummy foods, tailored to what you like. On their website you can go through all of their punnets and choose which one you love, which one you hate. I love how the graze box is made and not going to lie when you open the box it smells.. exactly like new books.

This is what it looks like when you open the lid.

And this is what it looks like when your cat tries to itch his whiskers with a graze box.

So when you open the lid and take all the packaging off, you get about 3 to 4 booklets or pieces of paper.

One is a booklet, just telling you the general stuff about graze. The next is a piece of paper with four codes for people to get free graze boxes and on that paper it tells you what is inside your box, the last one/two are normally voucher codes.

Let's get onto the food inside!

First inside is the British peppered pork jerky with an apple and pear chutney on the side. This punnet has only 73 calories and is perfect for a little snack, it's also a source of protein. Personally I am not too sure on beef jerky, just because of the fact its the skin of a pig. I have no idea why it freaks me out but I can tell you the taste is somewhat bearable, I am eating it as I write this, well.. chewing it! So 3.5 stars out of 5 for this one.

Next is a beauty. The cocoa and vanilla protein flapjack. This little thing rakes in at 7.8 grams of protein and 249 calories. I think this would be a really really good breakfast idea, just because of the protein. This is the best thing out of the whole box. 4.8 stars out of 5!

Sorry for the quality on this one! But the third thing in my box was olive and rosemary bruschetta! It looks so amazing doesn't it? Almost as good as my absolute favorite graze box punnet, which is cheddar gorge. The most interesting bit in this punnet to me is the tomato baguette. It just looks so nice! And at only 112 calories it would be a perfect addition to lunch time. 4.0 out of 5 only because I hate cashews!

Last but not least. I'm not too sure about this punnet. It is the caramel and peanut track and field. I'm only not too sure about this punnet because, as I said above, I really don't like cashews/peanuts, and raisins. This punnet is 210 calories, also a great side for lunch or just a snack! This gets 2.0 stars out of 5!

Thank you allllllllllllllllllllll, so much for reading this!

If anyone would like a free graze voucher code for your first box, fifth and tenth box free. Enter this: F6H2G6MKB

Peace out, take care of your cats for me.

Becca xxx

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